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Another chapter closed!

I think I've just about caught my breath after the fabulous production we had of Henrik Ibsen's Lady Inger at the Space Theatre this June / July 2023. I think the grief that comes with a show ending takes a while to subside, but when it settles it affords an opportunity to reflect. We were incredibly lucky to work with such a stellar cast for this production, whose blood sweat and tears made for a wonderful production. In terms of milestones, this was the first time ottisdotter had filmed a production and enabled audiences from across the world to participate in this rare event!

It's also been a chance for me to reflect on how ottisdotter markets it's works and understand more about how we can spread the word of our pieces and ensure those who want to see a show don't miss out. We had the biggest marketing reach of all our productions, but lessons will be learned in terms of how to extend our reach even further for future productions. The show was undoubtedly a success with rave reviews and packed houses - but as producter/director/stage manager/chief panicker, I am always looking for ways to push further and go beyond what others have achieved before.

The biggest lesson for me this year is to understand my own limits. Being producer / director / SM / AV Tech and design is quite the unachievable combination and I must remember to take stock about what I can and cannot achieve on my own. Theatre, by its nature, is a collaborative endeavor and I must remind myself not to spread myself so thinly. However, as a micro ensemble, we are blessed by the goodwill of a whole host of creatives whose patience we should not stretch.

in common with the last decade, ottisdotter will be taking a brief hiatus before considering further avenues of creative exploration. As ever, we won't be looking at more obvious works - holding fast to the identity we have established as an ensemble who try to dig out the most hidden treasures which will resonate with today's audiences.

Until then, take care.


Dr Mark Ewbank

Tom Everatt as Olaf in Henrik Ibsen's Lady Inger (Space Theatre 2023)
Tom Everatt as Olaf in Henrik Ibsen's Lady Inger (Space Theatre 2023)


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